"It Take A Village" | Celebrating National Foster Care Awareness Month
By EMMA BARTLETT for Cranston Herald
Six years ago, Sue Babin, 70, got the call on a Friday night at 5:30. Within an hour, DCYF dropped off a young girl with one set of PJs and two outfits to her house in Gloucester. Babin remembers calling everyone in her family asking if they had available clothes and diapers.
Today, Babin serves as the president of the board for The Village for RI Foster and Adoptive Families, a Cranston-based grassroots community agency that has developed a multi-pronged approach to address the needs of foster families. Founded by four foster moms in 2016, the Village is the only foster and adoptive family founded and governed support organization in the state and serves over 400 foster, kinship and adoptive families.
May is nationally recognized as foster care awareness month and the Village is celebrating foster parents who have opened their homes to children in need of a stable home.