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​Family Activities​


The Village offers periodic fun family activities, where all resource families can  meet and mingle, the kids can play and have a blast, and resource families can ask questions and get any assistance they might need, or be pointed in the right direction. These activities are typically free of charge for families.

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The Village Closet


​The Village Closet is a service to help resource families find needed items such as clothes, equipment, diapers, and toys. The Village Closet  items are provided through donations and contain both new and gently used items. Village Closet hours are available by appointment. To request items, please CLICK HERE to fill out our clothing and equipment request form .  To donate, please call 401-481-5483.  


SUPPORT GROUPS - See Home Page for detailed info

All Village Support and Socialization groups provide an opportunity for all parents to get out and meet other foster and adoptive parents and to relax, and share freely in a non-judgmental zone. Experienced Village foster parents will be on-hand to provide support and answer questions. 


The Village generally offers childcare for all in person support groups (currently on hold due to COVID-19)! It is a great opportunity for kids to socialize with others just like them! For planning purposes, registration is required at least 24 hours in advance. 


NEW Kinship Foster Parent Support Groups  

What is Kinship Care?  Kinship care refers to the care of children by grandparents, other relatives, close family friends or neighbors or anyone who has had a previous relationship with that family or child in care.  Relatives are the preferred resource for children who must be removed from their birth parents because it maintains the child's connections with their family. 


The Village now offers 4 Kinship Foster Parent Support Groups throughout the month.  Kinship families are encouraged to attend these Support Groups, as at least one of our facilitators is a Kinship care provider and resource trainer. We recognize that Kinship foster care presents both unique and complex joys and challenges that are best addressed with other kinship families and facilitators.   See below for dates and times.  



Spanish Speaking Kinship Support Group    REGISTER HERE   

Every 3rd Wednesday of the month; from 7 - 9 pm currently via Zoom


This Kinship Support Group meets every 3rd Wednesday of the month. For more information, contact Minolly Saborio.  While experienced foster and adoptive parents are available to facilitate, all Kinship Foster Parents contribute to providing understanding, friendship and real life experiences with foster care and adoption. 


Cada tercer miércoles del mes. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Minolly Saborio. Si bien los padres adoptivos y de crianza temporal con experiencia están disponibles para facilitar, todos los asistentes contribuyen a brindar comprensión, amistad y experiencias de la vida real con el cuidado de crianza y la adopción.


So. County (Westerly) Kinship Support Group  REGISTER HERE

Every 4th Monday of the month; from 8 - 9:30 pm currently via Zoom


Kinship foster and adoptive parents are welcome...come meet fellow foster and adoptive parents!  Experienced foster and adoptive parents will be on hand to offer support and answer questions while parents will have an opportunity to get to know one another as they share stories and personal experiences!


East/West Bay (Cranston) Kinship Support Group   REGISTER HERE

Every 4th Tuesday of the month; from 6:30 - 8 pm currently via Zoom


Held monthly, on the 4th Tuesday of each month, our experienced foster and adoptive parents are on hand to facilitate all Kinship foster parents as everyone in attendance contributes to provide a safe, understanding space for all in which friendship and real life experiences are shared.


Providence - English Kinship Support Group    REGISTER HERE

Every 2nd Wednesday of the month; from 8 - 9:30 pm currently via Zoom


Kinship foster and adoptive parents are encouraged to attend this Kinship specific support group on the 2nd Wednesday of each month, currently via Zoom.   Our experienced facilitators are eager to share their personal experience as Kinship caregivers in a safe, friendly, non-judgmental environment.



Central RI Village Peer Group    REGISTER HERE

Every 3rd Tuesday of the month; from 6:30 to 8 pm currently via Zoom


Held monthly at The Village office, 139 Ocean Ave. in Cranston, our centrally located group (when in person) is open to all foster and adoptive families. While experienced foster and adoptive parents are on hand to facilitate, everyone in attendance contributes to provide understanding, friendship, and real life experiences with foster care and adoption. 


Southern RI Peer Group   REGISTER HERE

Every 3rd Wednesday of the month; from 8 to 9:30pm currently via Zoom 


Held monthly in Southern Rhode Island, this is a great opportunity for our Southern families to meet others in their area (when in person).  As with all our support and socialize groups, experienced Village parents will be on hand to provide support and answer questions in a relaxed, judgement free zone.  Pizza and drinks are provided when in person groups are in session.


Northern RI Peer Group   REGISTER HERE

4th Wednesday of the month; from 8 to 9:00 pm currently via Zoom


Held monthly at the Cumberland Public Library, 1464 Diamond Hill Rd, this is a great opportunity for our Northern families to meet others in their area (when in person).  As with all our support and socialize groups, experienced Village parents will be on hand to provide support and answer questions in a relaxed, judgement free zone.  Pizza and drinks are provided when in person sessions begin.


Compañeros de Lengua Española   Registrar aquí

Spanish Speaking Peer Group

Last Tuesday of the month; from 7 to 9 pm currently via Zoom


Todos los últimos martes de cada mes. Para obtener más información, comuníquese con Minolly Saborio.  Mientras que los padres de crianza temporal y adoptivos experimentados están disponibles para facilitar, todos los asistentes contribuyen a proporcionar comprensión, amistad y experiencias de la vida real con el cuidado de crianza y la adopción. 


Every last Tuesday of every month. For more information, contact Minolly Saborio. While experienced foster and adoptive parents are available to facilitate, all attendees contribute to providing understanding, friendship and real life experiences with foster care and adoption.



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