News & Events

The RI Foster Family Advisory Council (RIFFAC)...
Foster families and Family Court Judges both play a critical role in the child welfare system.
Recently, the RI FFAC, along with many foster families and community partners, met with two family court judges for a discussion called “View from the Bench.” This was an opportunity for listening, learning and understanding.
Click here to listen to the recording.

There are currently many foster families in RI caring for large sibling groups of very young children!
Families caring for these children always appreciate diapers and wipes especially in these challenging financial times.
As soon as we receive the donations we will get them right out to foster families!
To donate, click here to visit our Diaper Drive Amazon wish list.
Thank you!

Topic Talks
Recorded Resources
The Village held a Topic Talk Support Group on "Returning to School in an Uncertain Pandemic; the Benefits of Routines and Schedules. As promised, here are the video recordings:
We hope you will find these resources helpful.
Senator Jack Reed nominated The Village for RI Foster and Adoptive Families for the Angels in Adoption award!